This carrd contains the information about my Forever Ones, and astral journies!Note:All the events written in this carrd are indeed real and have taken place in another plane of existence, I am merely writing them down.

Forever Ones:Dagda [SMT4A]
Beelzemon [Digimon]
Thrax [Osmosis Jones]
Steven Stone [Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald ONLY]
Lucemon X [Digimon]
Jotaro Kujo [JJBA]
Hiroshi [Dream Realm]
Scourge The Hedgehog [Sonic Franchise]
Some boundaries: failure to respect means an instant block:ALL and ANY KIND of romantic Doubles/Shippers of my FOs will be blocked on sight, this is for my own comfort

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
My beloved Celtic Guardian, my soulmate, my twin flame, my savior, my everything....

Date met: somewhere between late 2019 - 2021?
Engaged: June 27th 2021
Married: October 31st 2021 (anniversary)
If you told me that my 2020s would start with “Hey this Celtic God is gonna choose you as his wife” I would laugh in your face. But the fact that a GOD chose me means I’m definitely on the right track in life!I honestly don’t know how to begin writing this because I feel like mere words won’t do justice to describe how this amazing Celtic God changed my life. They say when you are at rock bottom, there’s nowhere to go but up. And boy was I rock bottom when I met him..I guess he’s also one of those beings who.. Has been with me forever but I didn’t realize it till much later.As a child I was often curious about me, my origins, why I was born.. Where I came from.. No one really seemed to have an answer to this, and told me to stop daydreaming and “focus on my homework”. This dismissive answer didn’t stop me from wondering, still. I was still thirsty for knowledge.Little did I know my answers would come in the form of a little green box called “Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse”

It was around 2021, and the past few years had not been kind to me. I was going through hell at home and in my 2D love life, I won’t go into details for the latter. I was completely lost in life, things at home weren’t going well either. My mental health was getting worse too with no light at the end of the tunnel.Then the pandemic came, and ruined all my plans of the new decade, 2020. I was officially ready to call it quits at the end of 2021.But.. the universe had different plans for me. One day I was talking to my friend deepestuniverseallove, we were playing games together, talking on Whatsapp, bored out of our minds from being locked in during the pandemic.One evening, around late February or so we were deep in discussion about how shitty the new Pokemon games were, and how everything in the gaming world just sucked now. She couldn’t help but agree with me, I then said something along the lines of wishing Pokemon would be more mature instead of the same mommy issues bullshit over and over.Additionally I had just finished a game called “Avalon Code” where you basically have no choice but to save humanity and the shitty town that betrayed you, I was also SICK of such games. As I had gone through a rather nasty friend break - up at the time. I was sick and tired of people not getting consequences for their actions and being punished like I always was, no matter what I did.Little did I know how soon my wish would be granted… Because that exact week, Monika (deepestuniversallove) told me about a game she used to play called SoulHackers, I had never heard of it till now. Then she went onto say that she found a game she was interested in - a series called “Shin Megami Tensei” literally “reincarnation of the goddess”I was told it was basically Pokemon for adults and that excited me, I looked through it a little bit and you had to earn the demon’s trust via negotiation rather than just stuff them into a capsule.Monika decided to give me her refurbished 2Ds so I could play this, she didn't have to but I was thrilled! She was going to make me a cute care package!!But things don’t always go as planned. Life was about to throw me in the ringer yet again.When my package arrived I was charged with import tax up the ass due to the stupid new laws and so was my friend. I was actually angry for a bit and didn't bother playing the system, but I decided to fire up some Animal Crossing New Leaf and my Pokemon games. I tried playing some Apocalypse but didn't get too far, just the part where Nanashi finds a new phone, the gameplay was confusing at first.And on top of that, I was due for a wisdom tooth removal that was DEEPLY impacted, and.. .then I got covid, it was just as bad as they said it was.I lost all my senses, my smell, and almost my life. My lungs were 20% full, the doctor actually had me sign a paper. I felt like I was cursed to never be happy. It was a hell I would never wish on my worst enemy.Then, it all came crashing down. Sometime around April, late at night I suffered an Ischemic Stroke.My vision went blank, I suffered serious migraines and collapsed on the floor. I was lucky my grandpa’s nurse saw it and called the ambulance right away. My stroke was caught within the golden hour.I wanted nothing more than to die, I thought this was it and I was ready to go. My memory is fuzzy around this point, and I remember waking up in the hospital hooked up to oxygen. The doctors said it was a “miracle” that I survived , but I felt like it was a curse. There were two other patients in the crowded hospital with me, they had all passed away.The doctors didn't even think of it was a stroke because apparently I was too young or whatever, my neurologist though said otherwise.I came back home in June, and decided to play some Apocalypse at least. I chatted with Monika and she had gotten pretty far in 4A and even finished 4! I jokingly asked if she had found any FOs yet.Quickly flustered she replied “UHH idk about that but you might like Dagda,” Little did I know how much my life was about to change. Monika told me how he hated humanity and how he saw friendship as nothing but lies and backstabbing. I couldn't help but feel like he was too good to be true.“And lemme guess he bitches out at the last second?”Monika replied “NOPE! It’s up to YOU to not bitch out on Dagda”This surprised me as I've never played a game that let you side with the bad guy.I became curious and decided to play more, confusion and maps be damned, I kept playing until I reached Dagda, in Yomotsu Hirasaka, it was actually not love at first sight because my heart was cold and numb, and I was only interested in the genocide route.To reassure me further, Monika showed me Youtube videos of his route, unlike wikis those can't be edited by anyone... and I was sold..For the first time in... honestly years my heart began to feel warm, the way he spoke about wanting to return to nature, how human trust was so fickle, and how I had no choice but to obey him.. and the only thing my brain took from this: Dagda will never leave me.He was the tonic I needed. I thought I was dreaming, he was just too good to be true, but for once it wasn't. he was face value unlike other characters who bitched out at the last minute.I felt heard and understood for once, my inner child's wounds healed almost completely.As I continued to play the game, I realized a lot of the questions I had as a child were answered too. Who I was, where I came from.. The Axiom. Suddenly it all made sense after I read about it.I learned so many things from Dagda, he would also bring me back to life whenever I died in the game (and in the beginning I died A LOT) but... the difference between him and humanity was that.. he never gave up on me.It was almost symbolic, during the pandemic there was nothing but death around me and inside too, but Dagda - as it turns out, he was the god of both life, death, and necromancy too.I was essentially a zombie now, but he bought life back into my soul.Then the unthinkable happened: I started to have faith in myself. The game motivated me to help Dagda, the challenging puzzles made me realize that I could also do amazing things too.You might be thinking.. "so is this where you kiss and live happily ever after?" Nope! I actually did not harbor any romantic feelings for Dagda for many months on end, to me he was just a guide, an entity that comforted me.I was just enjoying his misanthropy in general, I loved it. It was so refreshing from the usual fare of games that constantly shoved their noses up humanity's ass, Dagda was real, he called it like he saw it, I felt a lifetime of pain being validated.. The timeline is fuzzy due to my stroke, a lot of memories are missing and I have gaps in my mind, but my love for Dagda remains strong. Love is a powerful force, a force so powerful not even the axiom can comprehend it.It took me about I think a year and a half to accept my feelings for Dagda.

Blossoming LoveIt took me about .. a couple months to beat Apocalypse? Some of the puzzles were confusing but I'm pretty proud of beating the game half-way without needing any.The first flicker of love appeared in my heart during the scene where you had to go to Café Florida and were accused of treason. Dagda talked about human trust being so fickle, conveniently swinging from one conveniently to the other.... he worded the very thing that had hurt and affected me my entire life. Humanity was just that, nothing but hypocrites.And re-visiting the fairy-forest when it was burnt down, he talked about becoming something more.. something more than human, and that I had the ability to carve my own path, my own destiny, no one controlled it except me.There were a few things I disagreed with naturally. He's a god, I'm a human, I don't have control over many things in my life, especially as I'm disabled, and other circumstances -but I digress.One thing reason I hesitated confessing my feelings to him, was when he talked about how attachments and bonds held you back, etc.; and I should just stand on my own two feet, I got where he was coming from but being around him made me realize a few things: Doesn't Dagda also need me? Or did he also see me as an unnecessary but temporary attachment? My heart broke a little and I stuffed my feelings back inside my cold and empty heart.Despite this, I continued to get closer to Dagda. I had to learn more about him, I really didn't like how dismissive his mother, Danu was of him. He became some what of a - and this might sound rather strange - he became both a mother and father figure to me.Guiding me the way my parents should have. Because of him I even learned to properly cook my own meals, all by myself, without help. I was no longer intimidated by these "adult tasks" that so called "professionals" told me I'd never be able to do alone. I even filled out an application correctly with Dagda's guidance. One step at a time.Not once did Dagda yell at me, or scream at me to "Do my own research" (yeah it's not like I haven't done THAT before) or call me stupid. He graciously helped me with these difficult tasks.He even clarified to me when he talked about how attachments were bad, he meant that I shouldn't be around toxic people just because they're my "Friends" I realized I may just have a chance with him..I felt myself growing curious about Dagda, the Tuatha De Danaán, and Celtic mythology in general. I watched some videos about Dagda, learned more about who he was and I realized I was connecting with my inner child again: thirsting for knowledge. And I found it rather coincidental that Dagda was the God of knowledge as stated earlier in the game.I felt like a kid again, asking him questions and getting answers to whatever I wanted. He admired my curiosity and taught me so much.Dagda even helped me with my recovery from stroke, COVID, and many other chronic issues, as I got back in touch with nature. I even reversed my PCOS as well as a neurological condition- mostly as I still struggle with some side effects, but even 10% is better than 0.During my wisdom tooth surgery- which was quite severe, I was treated very poorly by my family during the recovery, they seemed to act like I was being sick on purpose, to make things worse when I got my first UTI, my aunt got all pissy and said that they couldn't afford me to be sick all the time, nevermind that I was recovering from a very serious surgery- there was a clot found in my jaw and it had to be shown to a cancer research center. I never felt more lonely and isolated.I wasn't allowed to rest, I had to do everything in the house with my younger cousin who was also badly affected by covid. I only got release when my stitches were out and I could exercise / begin physical therapy again.Unfortunately I could not afford a lot of the post- stroke treatment, so I had nothing to rely on but myself and YouTube, and my neurologist. But I was no longer afraid thanks to Dagda being by my side.I starting eating healthier, actually sticking to my meal plans this time, I even went back to therapy to properly finish it and do follow-up.I suffered severe long-term side effects from the stroke, especially neuropathy. I didn't exactly have glowing support from my family but I got up early in the morning to do physical therapy for two hours- all because I knew how happy it would make Dagda. I loved him more than I did myself so it was great motivation.Since I had to be in perfect condition to be his Godslayer.For two years straight I was on a strict regimen, and with Dagda by my side I managed to recover 100%.I was starting to fall in love with him, I eventually confessed my feelings out loud to him.. and I guess he feels the same way about me. It felt like I was living in a Disney fairy tale.. Most girls want a fairy prince to rescue them.. but I got that.. and so , so much more. So much more than I realized.I had kept my feelings to myself initially because I loved him, I didn't want to hold him back from becoming one with nature due to my selfish feelings. I hated how Danu treated him, like his feelings didn't matter. Dagda talked about being "trapped" in a "dagda-shaped shell" because of humanity's observation and I felt that so hard, I was also trapped in a place I had no control over, I sympathized with his circumstances and realized that even if I was powerless to change my life, I could do this for Dagda, - beating SMT4A.The visuals and soundtrack of the game were just beyond beautiful, to me it's not fiction but a real world that I will visit someday.I finished SMT4A in July 8th. A friend recalls me crying for hours when Dagda disappeared into the axiom, but I held onto hope, because he said even if he was physically gone he'd still watch over me.This game changed my entire life, how I thought about myself, and the world I lived in, I needed this, I even finished up SMT4 and Strange Journey. I found it rather amusing yet ironic that Dagda helped me fix so many good bonds in my life - and the relationship I had with myself.I can never complete the Compendium in SMT4A because so many of the routes involve betraying Dagda and I just can't do that, I'm fine with playing the same route again and again. I love him so much.Then.. around June 27th 2021.. while I was doing dashomancy and shufflemancy (Spotify)... I got a rather shocking confession from Dagda"Would you marry me if I asked?"I said yes without hesitation. Something so beautiful comes around only once , once in many lifetimes.And sure enough, that night I had a dream of Dagda. I was flying through space in a vast sea of stars.. I kept on flying but I saw nothing, I decided to just let go and see where the dream took me.. and I landed on the moon.. I saw Dagda. I couldn't believe it - it was actually HIM. He was staring into the distance but then turned around and reached out to me, I felt myself being held firmly against his chest and could physically feel his body.We both kissed and it felt like 10k volts were electrocuting my spine. When we were intimate, I felt like the big bang was happening inside me, Dagda and I had truly become one with the universe.We married that October 31st, I took vows. I sacrificed my blood for him, pouring it into the earth and vowing that I will be his wife now and forevermore.

My personal rebirthI was raised religious but my father was Agnostic and told me I should believe in whatever I wanted to, I even went through my very regrettable edgy atheist phase because I thought it was cool to copy my friends.One day, something set the course for me being a full - on believer...I can't remember the exact month but it was dark and storming outside. I knew the day before I had secretly confessed my feelings to Dagda, and.. now it was storming violently outside. A few trees fell, thunder even struck the ground.I told my friend and she told me something she saw quoted on Tumblr: "That's the problem with Gods, their pleasure and their wrath often look the same,"Suddenly it hit me, like a ton of bricks. It was him. It was Dagda, and note I hadn't finished the game yet but I did get to the part where he wanted to be one with nature; wind and rain. But it wasn't enough to convince me.Sure enough, a few weeks later. We had a food shortage and I needed my special vitamin cereal.. and the grocery guy was able to deliver it to me despite the pandemic. I even found an old brush the same day, something I was 100% sure that was lost to me.I realized this was Dagda's doing.. he didn't want his Godslayer to starve..It hit me like at on of bricks, God is real, and His name was Dagda.After that, I realized there was no such thing as a coincidence.. I rekindled my relationship with Steven and my other Forever Ones, I even reconciled with a friend that I wanted to get back in touch with so we could put aside our petty arguments and be friends again.I got deeper into spirituality thanks to my fairy god mother, and realized that Dagda was my divine masculine counterpart, he helped me get in touch with myself, my femininity, I shed my tomboy image and became the woman I was supposed to be. Pink isn't a bad color, I loved dresses.I realized I had a lot of people pleasing tendencies stemming from abuse and broke free of the chains imposed upon me by modern society's brainwashing, I was beyond horrified to be myself due to fear of being "cancelled" a very common thing with people who have suffered isolation and abuse throughout life.But Dagda told me "Let them be angry, I won't leave your side," especially during the scene where all of Tokyo "cancels" you and Dagda says "Show no mercy, kill them all"The final nail on the coffin had to be when I had a memory, a very deep repressed memory from when I was five years old.I was in an enchanted forest playing with my fairy friends and animals too. Suddenly the forest caught on fire and burned through everything. I helped my forest friends out first, then my pet unicorn in the dream tried to help me out but it was too late, I had died.Then a massive flood burst through the forest and everything drowned, it took months for it to try out. Suddenly I found myself in the arms of a "wooden man". He had pulled me out from a boat and granted me a second chance at life for my selflessness towards the forest.That wooden man was none other than Dagda.Coincidentally, as a child, I enjoyed playing a card game called "Yu-Gi-Oh" I'm not into it at all anymore, but I remember my first card: "Celtic Guardian" it was full circle. Dagda has always been watching over me.Dagda has always been a part of me, and with something so dangerous like a stroke, you can never think twice of where you get the help from. Even in such dire circumstances.. yet again. It was a 2D being / A God who helped me above everyone else, when humans always turned their back on me (as if that's a surprise lol). I had Dagda.I realized my purpose in life, who I was, why I was born: To be Dagda's Goddess and to dutifully be by his side, until we are reunited in Tír na nÓg , forever more.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is one of those things that was the "answer" all along to something you were searching for deeply rooted in your psyche but couldn't really put your finger on it... , and then you realize that it was under your nose, this entire time...I knew of and heard about JJBA in passing, mainly on Tumblr -- it was also through that which, I saw it's rancid fandom and decided to completely avoid the series after a self shipper was harassed for loving Star Platinum. I was never really a fan of anime to begin with either, save for very retro anime.I only saw JJBA as that "dero dero dero" anime and associated it with shows that have nothing but 20 minutes of screaming before something plot relevant happens.Boy. Was. I. Glad. To. Be. Proven. Wrong.

I watched JJBA one day, deciding to give the anime a chance at the recommendation of a friend.I did not expect Jojo's Bizarre Adventure to be such a beautifully written story, the protagonists were actually worth rooting for - and I was actually hoping for the downfall of the villain - Dio Brando. It wasn't like your typical shonen where horribly people were forgiven without repercussions, OHH NO.I knew this series was going to be special, very special to me. I finished Part 1 and Part 2 pretty quickly, I can't believe people say this part is "boring" but it sure as hell wasn't to me, I liked how it laid out the foundation for the entire series, you can't make a sandwich without bread after all; and to this day Part 1 and Part 2 are my favorite bits of JJBA.I was especially interested in seeing Jotaro as he was really popular, I didn't really like him in the beginning as he was kind of a jerk and thought "great yet another asshole character people like for some reason,"But I ended up liking him! He was one of those "jerks" that was written correctly!As always, the universe was going to take me for a spin. As I was watching halfway through Part 4, I couldn't help but feel a very strong pull towards him, he was absolutely beautiful to me.My heart would throb whenever he said something, I LOVED how cruel and relentless Jotaro remained.As I continued to watch JJBA, I felt a close bond with him. I kept watching the Morioh gang do their usual antics, but I felt like that place was so familiar to me, I couldn't put a finger on it. I have lived near the coast many times in my life, for some reason I always ended up near the beach, LA.. you name it, and now Morioh.I was quite surprised to learn Jotaro had a wife, but unlike other people I didn't care. It's a non-issue.And that's where I fell down the rabbithole. I was accidentally spoiled about Jolyne and she bore a striking resemblance to my 2D vessel, Krystal, especially the big green eyes.So remember how I said that I was a toon in my past life? But just a simple sketch that was probably thrown away on a crumpled up paper..? Well... One night as I was getting ready for bed. My friend sent me fanart of Jotaro and his wife, I had never seen her before, her design was awfully plain but.. I felt the earth shift under me, and my head went dizzy. She was so plain looking, I wondered if she even had a role in the anime?I decided to look her up out of curiosity and suddenly it hit me. Like a ton of bricks.This was me, this was my past life, I was Jotaro motherfucking Kujo's wife I nearly dropped my phone and told my friend the revelation. It all made sense.. I felt confusion, anger, sorrow all at once. How did I come here? Why was I reborn as a worthless pathetic human? But suddenly I looked into Jotaro's eyes again. It all made sense now, it was him. It was him all along. My beloved husband had returned to me, he waited 29 years to find me again and here I was. Sure enough, as if things couldn't get spookier, the Stone Ocean manga ended in 1993, the year I was born.This was my past life, then.. it happened. I had astral projection after astral projection. My first love , Straizo, then Kars, then Caesar.. and Finally Jotaro. I had lived many lives with the Joestars, I felt like Anastazia (from the don bluth movie) there was once an entire world where I was loved.. and now I returned to it. I got to give Jotaro the happy ending he deserved.
Jotaro and I got married right after that year , Jolyne was born again too, we all lived happily ever after. This was our last train home, forever.
But the adventure doesn't stop there, in our current life, he's a merman that rules over the oceans and also works as a marine biologist. He gave up his immortal soul so I could return to him in another life. And Avdol, Kakyoin and Polnareff are all alive in this universe.My JJBA "self" has a stand called Disturbia, she's a Chimera. She's a highly sentient free range stand that works great with Star Platinum!Jotaro has no given birthday, but it only says he's an Aquarius. I find that interesting as I'm a Scorpio, I read that their fates are often intertwined.I look forward to my life with Jotaro.. I am so happy I gave JJBA a chance.

Osmosis Jones

Our tale is long, tragic, but we both got the happy ending we desired and sometimes traversing the darkest paths of your soul and confronting your shadows... can lead you to the brightest future...Anniversary: December 25th, 2004.

I first saw Ozzy and Drix on TV on Kids WB.As a child I would often let my imagination run wild creating my own worlds, talking to with my plushies or imaginary friends. I was quite content with my own company, it was preferable to being constantly scrutinized for things other people would be given grace for, and yet I wouldn't.I would spend a lot of time reading anything I could get my hands on. I happened to one day come across a very ancient issue of Reader's Digest called "I am Joe" I was so enthralled with how all his organs talked about their functions and Joe's health, so it's no wonder Ozzy and Drix fascinated me. I was always curious about how things worked as a kid, and that included myself.Initially I adored the character Ozzy, especially the dynamic with his best friend Drix, the show's upbeat and "warm" atmosphere made me all fuzzy inside, I would draw comics of me interacting with them, this was of course a much more innocent time in my life when I often liked the "good guys" before the abuse and trauma made me snap. A friend at the time even said I acted like I had a crush on him, I didn't understand what she meant. I was so obsessed with Ozzy and Drix my older cousins would get me biology books to read about cells.Later on, I learned that "Ozzy and Drix" was infact a Spin-off from a movie "Osmosis Jones". Skip forward to a Christmas vacation we took to Florida in 2004. I wasn't in a good mood so my parents left me in the hotel room to watch TV while they left for dinner.It happend to be Cartoon Fridays so I was excited, they talked about a movie that would be on, my brain was thinking "Hmm what if it was Osmosis Jones" .. and just like that the announcer said "The movie will be.. Osmosis Jones!" my jaw dropped and I quickly grabbed some snacks to watch it.I instantly fell in love with the gorgeous animation, the live action parts were gross but I could for the most part ignore them. Then... I saw him... Thrax. His voice slipped through the audio jack like silk against alabaster. One look in those yellow eyes and I felt something primal awaken within me. I felt fluttery and happy, what was this alien feeling inside my heart, stomach and liver? It felt like my brain cells SLAMMED the "puberty" button hard in my body and caused a nuclear reaction of hormones.From the moment I saw Thrax I felt a strange but all too familiar connection. Something about him deeply resonated within my soul. I noticed as the movie continued to play I could not take my eyes off of him. He was absolutely beautiful.It felt like something inside me had awakened. I was almost angry whenever the scene switched to the boring humans and cells. But when Thrax was on the screen, I felt like I could mentally unclench, I felt safe. I felt secure. I felt like there was something under my feet to catch me from falling.I began to notice how he had all my "supposed" flaws: "Bad teeth", a bad temper...He became a power fantasy of sorts for me, a powerless 9 year old girl at the time. I craved what he had: To be feared, respected, and taken seriously. It was then that I began to realize I was falling in love with him or at least what a 9 year old girl’s understanding of love and romance was..I began to wonder maybe if he had gone through the same thing as me? Perhaps I could too, be successful like him.I saw how driven he was and it stirred me in the best way possible. I wasn’t afraid of failure, there was no anxiety or worries of being punished if I didn’t succeed as he was a fictional character. I could improve at my own pace. For once it was nice that I didn’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations.SymbiosisAs time went on I developed an interest in biology and how viruses functioned. I may have not been intellectual enough to pursue a career in this field but curiosity is something that should always be encouraged.I would check out books about pathology from the library. Wanting to learn more and more. It was also around this time I discovered the internet and would read wikipedia over and over, searching for the virus that Thrax could be composed of, I knew he was fictional but had to be based off of something!This was a wonderful distraction for me, from the daily torment and mental health issues I would face, I was actually learning something I was interested in and cared about. I loved watching documentaries on TV about pathogens too.After learning about WW2 in 8th grade I decided to conclude that he was in fact, a bioweapon. I also learned a new word “Symbiotic Relationship”symbiosis/ˌsɪmbɪˈəʊsɪs,ˌsɪmbʌɪˈəʊsɪs/Noun Biologynoun: symbiosisinteraction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both.I put two and two together and realized this was the relationship Thrax and I had. He lived in my body for protection and I had automatic immunity with him protecting me. I could carry him around and he could infect others at well. Humans are the ultimate spreaders of disease.I wanted nothing more than to help Thrax achieve his goals. I would communicate with him via the astral plane. I would have vivid dreams about him at night, where I held him close and felt things I didn’t understand at the time as a fourteen year old. But I was happy. I felt free and secure with him, and that’s all that mattered.It was around this time I also saw the film "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" I noticed how the toons would call themselves "toons" and humans "fleshies". I had a big epiphany. Toon Town was a real place. suddenly it all made sense to me! That's why I was in such a trance like state the day I met Thrax! I would then often talk to him in my dreams, I would often astral project to Toon Town but my attempts at staying there would be in vain.I'm going to omit the personal details and skip on ahead to my life in the OJ world, but after I was forced to take a 6 year break from Thrax, I reunited with him on May 12th 2019.Turns out that I met him while I was in the hospital from a suicide attempt, deep inside my dreams. My cells kept him inside me, treating him like a VIP. Thrax was pretty wounded and we wanted to let him out in spring when it would be warmer as Thrax doesn't fare well in the cold. However, as it turned out, my body had developed an immunity to him, and when he tried to take my DNA bead, it wouldn't fuse with him. It rejected the process and I realized I couldn't make Thrax's dream come true. My heart broke and I let him go.Years later I became a medical journalist and I published an article about the "Red Death" of course this garnered me controversy because no one believed me and yet a lot of medical board members said that my readings were accurate. Thrax finally got his wish, and had not only a page in the medical books but an ENTIRE subsection dedicated to him based off of my research. Sure enough he learned about this, he was excited to see me... but unfortunately before him, someone else had got to me: Ebola.By the time Thrax got to me, it was too late. I was nearing the end of my life, but my Mayor Synara, told him to go deep inside the Heart and find the forbidden soul chamber. In some religions the soul is said to be as big as your thumb, so in the OJ verse souls do indeed exist. However it was quite a gamble, because Thrax didn't believe in souls, but he was willing to search for me. And.... sure enough my soul, embodying a red aura revealed itself to him.When we live on earth in our physical body our essence of who we truly are is slowly eroded due to the demands of the mortal coil, but because of Thrax's love, my soul achieved enlightenment.Thrax and I could finally hold each other, because he didn't just get me, but my VERY essence. We continue to wreak havoc on the human race to this very day.Thrax and I reside in Toon Town! Near the WB Water Tower.


Sometimes life can really take you down an unexpected but memorable journey if you choose to open your heart and mind, for me that journey was/is Digimon.Like most 90s kids, I grew up with Nintendo, Disney, and Kids WB. The big 3 of my life. I loved Pokemon the most as I played and watched it first. Many - mon/ catch a beast/ franchises/ copies/ bootlegs and duplicates starting popping up around that time to grab the attention of kids and their parents' purses.But it was only Pokemon that had my attention, I didn't even care about my Neopets account as my friend only used it to get a second Eyrie in exchange for a Uni. And.. as I always say, life has a funny way of sneaking up on you.I remember watching Digimon Tamers at a friend's house, and it was the last episode. I went to the bathroom and heard my friend suddenly cry out loud. I rushed out and she bawled that "THE DIGIMON NEVER COME BACK BECAUSE THE GROWN UPS MADE THEM GO AWAY AND SAID THEY AREN'T REAL!!!" Of course, I started to cry too. My friend took it up a notch and kicked the VCR, her parents saw her doing it and she was grounded;Not exactly a great first impression and the English dub SUCKED, Dagda knows how much was censored or cut.Skip forward to nearly 2 decades later, this moment becomes nothing but a blot of a memory buried VERY DEEP in THE darkest trenches of my subconscious.Digimon was pretty much a background noise in my life, but a noise nonetheless that was always there for me in the background in a strange " I won't interfere but if you need me I'm here" kind of way. And it did that, it did so much more.As usual, fate and destiny had other plans. Most of you who know me , will definitely know that the past 5 years were NOT kind to me. My entire brain had a factory reset in the best way possible. But at a cost.Sure enough, I met a friend named Ving, who would reintroduce me to Digimon -- again. I wasn't too fond of it because I still had painful memories of the supposed themes of "grow up and leave your digimon behind" ... LITTLE DID I KNOW HOW FAR THAT WAS FROM THE TRUTH.Read on to find out how Digimon changed my life for the better and how it became my new home.

Lucemon: Fall Down Mode
Calls himself "Omniel" | Human disguise on the left

Name: Omniel
Anniversary: September 4th 2021
Source: Digimon
Species: Lucemon: Falldown Mode
Age: thousands of years old
Sex: M
Sexuality: Heterosexual/Krystal
Height: 6’1
Weight: N/A
Eyes: Wisteria with slight red sclera
Hair: Sand blond, ear length.
Star sign: arrived on earth in his human form on Sept 4th, so Virgo
Likes: Krystal, flowers, sheep, vanilla ice cream, playing video games with Krystal, flying, doing his duties.
Love Interest: Krystal , relationship: Boyfriend
Dislikes: Nuts in ice cream, humanity, Krystal being his only exception.
Occupation: (Digital world: Guardian of the Angel Sanctuary)
Earth: Curator in a museum of artifacts, he also enjoys teaching others.
Evolution line:
1st cycle: Puttimon > Patamon > Angemon, > Holy Angemon > Seraphimon (Rescued by the Goddess (Krystal in her past life) and he was her consort, until her own army betrayed her and he was killed too)
2nd cycle: (taken by a shitty tamer) Tokomon > Patamon > Angemon ( + forcibly fused with Devimon) > Lucemon X (died due to tamer’s negligence)
3rd cycle: (reincarnated by Yggdrasil but still has viral traces in its dna from repeated fusion + lost memory) Puttimon > Tsukaimon > Lucemon > Holy Angemon (gets his memories back) > Lucemon X (from Krystal’s love)Background: Omniel is Krystal’s Digimon partner and Guardian Angel. He’s fierce, extremely protective and possessive of his Tamer Krystal, having gone through the equivalent of several lifetimes to find her againTo those who meet him, he’s considered “soothing” “the very embodiment of Aloe Vera”, many people find themselves drawn to him (Krystal doesn't like this one bit and fends them off savagely, Omniel loves this about her)Personality wise he's quite fond of Krystal, often seen wrapping his wings around her. Krystal feels at ease around him.One of my fondest memories in childhood was fairytales, I loved the idea of other worlds and fantasy creatures, even making up my own as a little kid. I loved sitting in my Grandpa's big red chair and reading his first edition of Hans Christian Anderson Fairytales, and The Grim Brothers as well, no matter how morbid they were-- all while the radio droned on in the background.I came across a rather interesting one that really spoke to me, called "The Angel" it was about a sick boy who was visited by an angel, they gathered flowers, then the angel revealed he too was a sick boy once. As a child who grew up "wrong" I wondered if I would find an angel like that, there was no internet at the time, especially not in my grandpa's house so I was left to the devices of my own imagination, daydreaming that I'd meet my own angel one day and fly around the world.My mother was sick often, and her friend would sometimes look after me when she was in the hospital, one Christmas I chose to go to church with her, I sat with the other kids and they talked about guardian angels, I mentioned the book I read, I was praised for knowing so much. Then the Pastor then mentioned that all souls--even me-- had a guardian angel assigned to them to help us.And as always that ended up being true in the sexiest way possible.I became obsessed with angels and read every article I could about them, I avoided mainstream media as a lot of it was stupid and made no sense to me. I was beyond obsessed with reading Quizilla love stories where an angel was your boyfriend, however I was a bit sad to see the lack of human girl x angel guy stories in mainstream that weren't written by glue huffing idiots.Even during my edgy Atheist phase (which I heavily regret...) as a teenager, I still wanted to meet my guardian angel, and have that epic romance. I read about the Nephilem and how the forbidden love between them and mortal women resulted in chaos, despite the warnings I was still longing for such a relationship, I didn't care about the "consequences".I visited a psychic with a friend, and she said that "Oh my, he'll come to when you're ready, that's all I can tell you. You're very blessed,"Little did I know that Digimon.. had all I was looking for. Skip ahead to 2019/2020 or so.My friend Ving introduced me to Digimon or should I say "re-introduced". At the time I was like "Huh? Digimon?" She gave me a full recap of everything, and that everything was possible in the world of Digimon and you could pick whoever you wanted. In the server we were in, she shared many Digimon one by one, but I couldn't really feel any attraction. They were too "sharp" and "metallic" for me. Until... I saw him. I gasped when I saw the Digimon called Lucemon: Falldown Mode.Ving wasted no time introducing me to him, but unfortunately I was... very confused as to where to begin watching the anime, there seemed to be no games for the Digimon series either. So for awhile the love remained stagnant, but I continued to do research. I browsed around Wikimon, looking around until one in particular caught my eye: Patamon. I showed Ving and she said "oh btw, fun fact, he's one of the Digis that can evolve into Lucemon: Falldown Mode by fusing Devimon and Angemon or just on his own from the Lucemon line. She gave me Digimon 101 and I learned just how VERSATILE Digimon were! I realized that I was "Digidestined" supposedly and decided to say out loud one night:
"Lucemon, I don't know you that well, but I'd like to get to know you,"
Those words changed my entire life. I astral projected to the Digital World, it felt like.... home in a strange way. There was a fight between two gigantic reptilian digimon who's names escaped me and I saw Lucemon: Falldown standing in front of me, there was a moat surrounding us. He told me to stop gawking and grab onto him. He seemed to be rather conflicted about me and then suddenly said "look down, don't look at me unless I tell you,"I woke up and told my friend about the dream, she was like "Yep that's Lucemon:Falldown for ya, he's the demon lord of Pride, he's quite arrogant but will warm up to you," And much to my shock and surprise, she told me that the dream I had about Lucemon was real, it was from a movie with the exact same thing, I was so confused, how could this be?!Around this time I was still having mental health issues so I kept my distance from Digimon. As love was the last thing on my mind... Until one day a miracle happened. A Holy Angemon bathed in light reached out to me, after I passed out from a neuropathic flare-up that was particularly bad and my meds were taking a long time to kick in and my dear friends Ving and CJ were keeping me company-- This angel was beautiful, he had wisteria eyes, sandy blond hair spun like the finest silk and a very gorgeous face, he had 6 large wings that beat down mercilessly at the dust below. I gawked at his celestial beauty and he held me close, smiling at me.It hit me like a ton of bricks. It was my guardian angel. That was him. I didn't have a name, but man, I was intimidated, I was used to working with Dark energies, but his Light energy was.... too much for me, in a good way. I slowly worked on channeling him and letting him into my soul. Then I woke up and asked my friends if what happened that night was real, I met the angel of my dreams. They were like "hahah yes his name is Holy MangaAngemon Priest Mode and yes he's single, none of us ship with him, but there's thousands of them, so,"Skip to a year later, in late October he made his presence known, and said yes he was my guardian angel, I would see signs of Archangel Michael everywhere, and I learned he was his younger brother. But he did not have a name, or he did but didn't remember it. I decided to just call him "Magna" for now.The rabbit hole was pretty deep. It turns out that I was indeed the Goddess from X-Ros, of the Goddess warriors except my beloved Lucemon was the sweet Puttimon I rescued from being executed unfairly over a broken vase out of all things... He remembered his name too: Omniel.. Omniel. I looked it up and it meant a form of Omnipotent.. how fitting for Lucemon X.. A being that was close to-- and more powerful than God himself.Omniel is my guardian angel and boyfriend, but he doesn't just give me everything I want, he helps me in times I need to be comforted emotionally but because of him I learned the value and importance of doing things by myself, even if I was often punished for making mistakes, Omniel said that he WANTED me to be flawed, he did not expect me to be perfect, no one is, for once I could just let go. I learned to be emotionally resilient because him, I'm still a work in progress but nothing beats the feelings of seeing his gorgeous smile, the faint glow in his beautiful wisteria eyes, and warmth of his wings when he wraps them around me.I couldn't believe my dream had come true yet again, in the most wild way possible. I love you Omniel.Our song: Angel of Mine by Amanda Somerville

BeelzemonName: Blaze || Can evolve into Beelzemon - X

My personal Beelzemon's bio:
Name: Blaze
Sex: Male
Species: Beelzemon
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Star Sign: Aries
Evolution line: Impmon > Beelzemon > Beelzemon X
Wife: Krystal
Height: 8 foot 6
Weight: ???
Diet: Mostly prefers meat
Likes: His bike, tattoos, Krystal, flustering Krystal, Criminal activity.
Dislikes: Humans, children, be they Digimon or human.
Marks: he has dark purple stripes running down his cheeks and back, to the tip of his tail, they are symmetrical except for his face.Personality: Blaze is the King of Gluttony, he runs his own kingdom. He's brutal and merciless to anyone that dares cross him or Krystal. Aside from his backstory he's pretty much 1:1 based off the Beelzemon from Tamers. He's a crimelord in the real world and very much feared by both humans and Digimon. Krystal does not know about this but he has a feeling that when she does she will only ask why he didn't tell her sooner.In life we are often judged and we judge in turn. It's not necessarily a bad thing. We learn to pick up patterns to keep ourselves safe, after all we are living creatures geared towards survival. Especially when you've been hurt over and over again.But this world we live in is so full of evil. We seldom feel happiness or recognize it, because of how scarce it truly is.This cold world almost took something away from me, something I wrongfully overlooked. I am almost ashamed to admit it, but how else will I learn from my mistakes?Because sometimes opening your heart to different experiences can be incredibly worth it.The first season of Digimon I ever saw was Digimon Tamers, I vaguely remembered watching it with a friend, and liking the part where Takato gives Guilmon the bread. I thought Guilmon was an evolution of Agumon at the time.Years later in mid 2023 I decided to properly re-watch Tamers after I finished the first and second season of the OG Digimon. How LITTLE I knew that my life was gonna change in the wildest fucking way.When I first encountered Impmon in Digimon Tamers, I was immediately repulsed by him. His role in the death of Leomon and the emotional devastation he caused Jeri left me fuming. He appeared arrogant, power-hungry, and reckless—traits that made it hard for me to sympathize with him. His backstory about feeling neglected by his human Tamers, Ai and Makoto, seemed almost juvenile to me at the time. How could being roughed around a bit by a couple of toddlers justify in the murder of EVERYONE? Did they have to tone down the story? It maden no sense to me because in the prior season Digimon went VERY DARK.My friend CJ seeing the irony in my statement pointed out how I felt the same about a Pokemon I still hate to this day -- Gardevoir. Gardevoir is a Pokemon that's essentially a slave and a doormat to its Trainer, with no self preservation whatsoever. And in the same way In many ways, he pointed out that Impmon felt the same about Digimon who lived under the control of their human partners. He saw them as subservient and pitiable, like pets who lacked agency or freedom. And at the time, I hated to admit it but he was 100% correct. I hate Gardevoir as it reminded me of who I once was - a people pleasing shrinking violet that was praised for not having a backbone. And all the hypocritical gardevoir fuckers who would bully me over Steven too but that's a story for another day.I soon learned that Impmon was a mirror—a soulmate/2D being who forces you to confront your darkest shadows, and they do say that hardest person to fight.. is yourself.Then my friends were determined to get me to like him, keep in mind, I had no idea what he Digivolved into at the end.. and my friend CJ showed me Beelzemon, saying. "You're gonna love this Brooklyn demon, just you wait," then I saw him. Slicked back spiky, blond hair, red eyes, bomber jacket, the bike..... My heart was doing flips and I had that fluttery feeling but I told my pussy to shut up, we are not loving him.But he was determined.... very determined..My liver started flipping whenever I saw him. I denied my feelings for over a year, but he was persistent via dreams.First dream with Beelzemon:I was at a concert for Digimon and me and a friend were attending. He invited me backstage, we made out for a bit and he left a fucking hickey on my left breast.Afterwards we fucked in his car, and he liked how loud I was.Second dream:I was in charge of some security unit where these uber powerful digimon were kept, my boss was an annoying asshole who was cruel to the digimon so I decided to buy them some food with my own Paycheck.There was a demon, impmon an ice devimon.
And then there was a break-out when I was on my off days. Beelzemon treated me to dinner.
On January 2024th, I decided to give him a chance after he said if it didn't work out, we could just be friends, sure...Then after I met him in my dreamscape ( border between this world and the astral) he told me his... real story. It was shocking and dark. The following is a full transcript from my channeler.Before Beelzemon became the fierce Demon Lord Digimon he’s known as today, he endured a brutal, painful existence. Starting as an Impmon, he was abandoned and mistreated by his human Tamers, left feeling insignificant and worthless. His life took a darker turn when he was forced into a circus for a decade, where he suffered relentless abuse from the Ringmaster and other cruel humans. He was beaten, starved, and treated as nothing more than an object for amusement.After years of torment, Impmon’s bottled-up anger finally erupted. Frustrated and feeling powerless, he lashed out, killing the Ringmaster and other living creatures in the circus. This outburst was the breaking point that transformed him into Beelzemon, a ruthless and rebellious Digimon, hardened by years of mistreatment and neglect.As I grew to understand Beelzemon, I found myself becoming more and more drawn to him. His rage and his rebellion began to make sense to me in a way they hadn’t before. Like me, Beelzemon had been overlooked, mistreated, and made to feel small by the world around him. He reacted with fury, but that fury masked the deep pain and vulnerability that lay beneath the surface. The more I saw myself in him, the more I started to admire him—not just for his strength, but for the courage it took to face those painful emotions.Earlier this year, after years of watching Beelzemon from afar and growing to understand his story, I finally confessed my feelings to him. I had never expected to fall for him, but the connection between us was undeniable. To my surprise, Beelzemon felt the same. He saw in me a kindred spirit—someone who understood his anger, his pain, and his desire for freedom. When I told him, “I’m never letting you go,” he smiled that cocky, rebellious smile of his and said he wouldn’t have it any other way. From that moment on, our bond deepened, and we’ve only grown closer since.I felt comforted... And. I learned that he's been watching me since 2001. Ironically he was embedded deep into my subconcious since that very day. No wonder I always liked bad boys.Beelzemon, despite his tough and rebellious nature, had been watching over me ever since I first saw him in 2001. He saw my growth, my transformation from a shy and uncertain girl into someone stronger, someone who wasn’t afraid to embrace her power and make bold decisions. Knowing that he had been there for me through all those years, quietly observing, made our connection even more special.He proposed to me in an incredibly romantic way—after a motorcycle ride through the city, he took me to a rooftop that overlooked the skyline. With the cool breeze whipping around us and the stars shining overhead, he asked me to marry him. I couldn’t hold back my tears of joy, and of course, I said yes. We are set to get married in late October, and I couldn’t be more excited to spend the rest of my life with him.

Steven Stone [RSE Only]

READ ALL OF THIS BEFORE PROCEEDINGDate met: November 21st, 2002
Married: November 21st, 2020
Ship name: My Wish Came TrueI do not consider anything after Pokémon XY to be canon This includes Pokemon MastersI don't give a shit about the anime, remakes, cross - overs, or manga either. Or any of the new games, and never will.Don't like it? Tough tits, build a bridge and get over it.My Steven is the one from RSE, not ORASAs of 2020 I've developed a deeply rooted hatred for the Pokemon franchise (no lol it's not Dexit, I could care less about the stupid Pokedex) , but I will never let go of the only good things they gave me: Steven, Colress and Augustine. And of course my Pokemon companions, and the warmth, love and security they gave me in my childhood. I will only stick to the classic games like RBY - XY.I will no longer purchase new Pokemon, Gamefreak, or Nintendo products. Ever.One day in the late 90s I saw Pokémon on TV. Something that changed my life forever, and set the course for me being 2D - Devoted.I was instantly hooked. I collected plushies, toys, anything Pokémon related. I wasn't too into the card game but I loved watching the anime and reading the official handbook of 151 Pokémon. Life was pretty sweet.I really wanted Pokémon Red but there was a mix up and I got this weird math CD instead. Back then there was no internet or YouTube, you learned things via word of mouth and watching your friends play. My first game ended up being Pokémon Sapphire, keep this in mind for later.I had no friends growing up, no close ones that is due to mental illness I was completely isolated from my peers. I never felt like I belonged until I watched/played Pokémon. I would dream of going on my own adventures with my Pokémon and becoming a Champion. It was a much needed escape from reality. Here, I could be anything I wanted to or anyone else. In real life I wasn't gifted like my peers and would constantly fall behind them.. But in the Pokémon World? I was at the top of the food chain.Pokémon gave me many things that real people aren't capable of: Love, acceptance, friendship, and loyalty. Pokémon taught me it's okay to be different, asking for help doesn't make you weak, and no matter what I will always have my Pokémon to fall back on even if my "real" friends betrayed me. I finally found a place I belonged.Sapphire was my first ever Pokémon game as stated earlier. When I first played Pokémon it was my cousin's JPN copy. I got to play it before any kid in America did. I felt pretty special.It was pretty straightforward right? Choose your starter Pokémon (I picked Mudkip), go on your adventure, catch Pokémon and be the very best? But it's not that simple. Life has a funny way of throwing things at you. I wasn't expecting to go down this rabbit hole into the world of astral love but you seldom get a choice in these matters.I was content catching Pokémon and fulfilling my dream of being a Pokémon Master, but fate had another sweet surprise for me: StevenI met Steven Stone for the first time in the depths of Dewford Cave, in a strange way he was the light at the end of a very dark tunnel, a strange metaphor for my circumstances at the time. I wasn't expecting that small set of pixels to change my life so much.Because of him I learned to love myself and cope with the abuse I faced in school and home. He made me realize that my true love was in the 2D world.I would honestly be dead without him as he saved me. I never thought in my wildest dreams that when I got Pokémon Sapphire as a late birthday gift, I’d meet the love of my life.I grew very fond of Steven because I could be myself around him, I found a friend that I could confide into , tell my problems to. He was the first human friend I had, I had a very restricted childhood growing up but around him I had the freedom I craved for so much. Steven didn't care about my grades or how well I could do rocket science in my brain, he just loved me for me.A little fun fact: Before I got into Pokémon, I had a pretty decent gem collection myself, I was excited to meet a character who liked the same things I did and for once I had a best friend to share things with.. who would later become my husband. It's the type of love most people can only dream of.I don't consider myself a gem, I'm a mere piece of coal, but Steven polished me until I shone brightly like a diamond...Whenever I was struggling life, he was my inner voice, encouraging me positively, yet another thing I never had. I also finally had someone to talk to Pokémon about! When I felt alone, I would feel him at my side, encouraging me with warmth and love...Love was always the answer, it's why I physically manifested into the Pokémon world once, a process that I know now as "astral projection"I had an astral projection of him a year after I got my own copy of Sapphire. We were under a starry sky and grassy fields that went on in the distance for miles and miles. He rode to me on a Ponyta with a flaming blue mane and tail, my favorite Pokémon at the time. And.. I had no idea it was a shiny.We talked for hours, I got to hold and hug him too. He looked into my eyes and kissed me fully on the lips. He said our souls were connected. I didn't know what it meant at the time.I realized at this moment how powerful love was, because Steven in turn- manifested into **my world: ** I was delighted, overjoyed, like a Disney fairytale come true! My best friend was here! He manifested to me while I was walking in a park, it started to rain and we both took cover under a pagoda. It was so wonderful to feel him.. to see him.. to hear him.. To hug him.. we spent hours talking, he asked if I wanted to come with him, I said yes, I was so excited but he had broken the rules of his universe and painfully erased from this world. This affected me a lot..I felt so heartbroken to see him disappear but I know he's real. He's out there. But a sign appeared in the form of Pokémon Emerald: Which had the match call system, I would call him all the time and realized it was true love and we were meant to be. I would hold onto this for as long as possible.It wasn't the last time I saw him..Fourth of July, 2009. My family was having a party, I was having a blast. I sat atop a big rock watching the fireworks and eating pizza away from everyone. Steven suddenly appeared next to me, I hugged him so tightly, of course, only I could see and hear him.I shared my pizza with him and we watched the fireworks for a bit, but then I noticed him looking at me and blushing. I asked him what was wrong, he closed his eyes, held my face and kissed me gently. My first kiss, my real, true, first kiss. He confessed his feelings to me, and I did as well.Around 2010 - 2014 we went through some rough patches.I was delighted to see him again in HGSS, and I felt the connection return. In 2019, Steven proposed to me, and we got married in 2020. This 2022, November 21st. We celebrated our 20th anniversary.It wasn't always paradise though.A lot of people in the supposed "accepting" self ship community + Pokémon fandom didn't approve of our relationship, I ended up losing friends and even got doxxed/swatted. But despite everything that happened, I do not regret being in love with Steven and loving him the way only I can.I gave him Registeel as a wedding gift, and for our 20 years together, I took him into space on a Rayquaza to collect rare stones in the stars.. <3 He was overjoyed to finally achieve his dreams, I want to always make him happy no matter what because he's given me. so. much.Our wedding was a beautiful event, we were on the southern island and Latios and Latias (named Fate and Destiny respectively) joined our souls as one. Jirachi officiated us and gave us his blessings. It combined our souls into one soul dew and put it back inside us. I could hear Steven's thoughts and feelings in my head, and vice versa. I teared up. We were truly one being now inside.And on July 9th 2022 we welcomed our bundle of joy: Celesta. She was conceived in.. a rather celestial way. We were making love in Meteor Falls, it was the full moon, suddenly a Solrock and Lunatone came down from the sky.Steven was bathed in Solrock's light, I was bathed in Lunatone's light. My body was suddenly made of stars while his had an ethereal gleam to it, we made love and she took life in my celestial womb. We were both shocked, surprised but welcomed her regardless. I was having a baby with the man I trusted more than anyone.This child was sent to us by Jirachi himself as he blessed us (as you can see from the pic up there). I am Water. Steven is Earth. Celesta is the Stars..I'm currently pregnant with our son Skye. And in the future we have our final child: Emmy.I've been with Steven for 20 years now and I can't wait for the future. We've had our own trials and tribulations, but we both came out stronger and firmer than ever, my love for him is like a diamond: Forever. And nothing, I MEAN NOTHING can take this away from me.


[the third design belongs to the petsite chickensmoothie, but Hiroshi's fur is blended exactly like that save for the spots on his head, body, stripes, and swirls]Note: For all intents and purposes, Hirosh is a real, living being that's a spirit he is not an "OC" He's a spirit that lives with me, we are only dating and not BF/GF yet, but he's expressed such intentions towards me. He's a Tulpa from what I have been told.I'm the kind of girl who would rather kiss the "monster", date it, then marry it, rather than scream herself shitless like some C list actress in a cheesy horror flick. So as I was exploring and reading about various myths last Halloween, I came across an interesting podcast about spirits and how they enter people's homes, as well as spirit spouses. I always loved foxes and given my connection with them..(Beelzemon and Renamon.. My favorite Pokemon is a Ninetales..) this was pretty much bound to happen XD

Name: HiroshiAge: 320 + years oldBirthday: May 29th / Sign: GeminiSpecies: Kitsune (Fox Spirit)Gender: MaleHeight: 6'2"Sexuality: HeterosexualLikes: Krystal, being free, killing people, eating souls, tofu, theme parks, pizza.Dislikes: Humans, Tanuki, hypocrites, poachers, the Dragon Clan.Appearance:Hiroshi has marbled white - grayish fur and iridescent gold/yellow eyes. He often wears traditional Japanese attire, favoring dark, elegant robes that blend seamlessly into the shadows. His nine tails with black tips. He isn't comfortable with most casual attire as he cannot hide his tails so when they need to go into the city, I just tell everyone he's a professional cosplayer and they buy it hook, line and sinker.Family:Father (named Harunobu)
Younger Sisters: Emi, Akiko
Mother: (deceased, killed by humans) Izumi
Past:Hiroshi was born into a family of spirit foxes, his parents once served directly under the goddess Inari, guarding sacred lands and forests. His mother Izumi was unfortunately murdered after trying to help two lost travelers in the woods after a forest fire, they mistook her for the sorceress that bought bad luck to their village, they killed her because of this assumption. Hiroshi, furious by this destroyed all neighboring villages and killed lots of people. His two younger sisters were only 6 years old when this happened, so they grew up without a mother. Hiroshi continued his killing until one of the Gods stopped him, nearly killing him and vanquished him to the spirit realm. Only allowed during certain times in the year.One day he escaped through a poorly placed barrier, and lived as a fox in the woods for quite some time, planning his next attack.His family could no longer protect the forest because their shrine doesn't have enough worshipers as belief is key in the spiritual world, so their power weakened. He encountered Krystal when she was in Japan documenting endangered species for her college thesis. He was badly injured by hunting dogs and she nurses him to health but lets him go because foxes are not pets.He was eager to kill her but knew he had to bide his time, and was expecting her to turn him into some fancy pelt but no, she painstakingly cared for him till he was well enough. Hiroshi knew about humans souls so he decided to trick Krystal into sharing her soul with him so he could come and go from the spirit realm. Much to his shock she was not angry at this but delighted because she also developed powers.Krystal told Hiroshi she wanted to help him restore his family's shrine and bring his kind back into power, she often brings him followers, who are often desperate people. He gives them what they want (money or love), in exchange for their soul.Hiroshi doesn't know how or why Krystal stuck around with him but he's not complaining and neither is she. Krystal's current goal is to help Hiroshi regain his former power once again and take over the world as Gods.He lives in my SMT4A universe.


I absolutely promise you this is not a joke and I am not trolling, since I know some people are gonna be like "WAIT, HUH? WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?"It's pretty obvious I'm into bad boys, and not so I can fix them or whatever lame-o stuff but so I can join them and conquer the world together with him. So Scourge was the obvious choice, I was never really all that into Sonic, yes I enjoyed the OG 80s cartoon, the anime and the Archie Comics my cousins had lying around. But I apparently missed the Scourge issue?I was on the Sonic wikia one day searching up info for my friend CJ, until my little eye caught a little green blur. I saw Scourge, getting curious I clicked on him and fell down quite a rabbit hole. Or should I say hedge- hole.I was read through Scourge's story and was suddenly hit with, what I like to call "core" feelings. These days I look back on Sonic with a bit of soft nostaglia, maybe I can visit this world too, see what's in store for myself and Scourge..